Scarlet Management Group is becoming a global leader in the consulting industry. Scarlet Management Group takes a genuine and passionate interest in the growth of their people and their clients.
Friday, July 31, 2015
Coaching Each Other.
Our three ETT's coaching our new AE Trevor, the secret to build a team is to be able to coach others and share information with them. At SMG if you need help with anything we are all there to help you, we treat you like our family because we are all take care of each other. It's great to know that we great employees that know the system and are able to train our new employees. We are young and professional, smart, we all have goals, dreams, and we work hard and play hard.
Emerging Leaders Conference
We would
like to thank OSP for the opportunity that they gave us this past weekend and
also our Directors. We were in Detroit Michigan for the weekend learning about
how to be a better leader, how to make our business grow, how to have a better
mindset, how to accomplish our goals, tips for us to move up to the next level,
and most importantly he gave us so many tips to accomplish our goal and dream
how do we become an Office Director. We need to work smarted not harder and by
doing that we need to take tips from people that started in the entry level
position and they all now owe their own business and they are building an
empire. Carlos Linares Scarlet Management Group would like to thank you for
sharing all of your knowledge not only with our office but with everyone else,
also for planning everything, and for everything that you do on a daily basis.
Congratulations Vicente!!!
Scarlet Management Group would like to
congratulate Vicente!!!
We would like to
thank DE for coming to our office and give Vicente the opportunity to become a Certified
Trainer. We can't wait for you to help us with our training here at SMG and
with our new locations, this means that now you get to travel around and be
part of opening up offices and help built an office. Thank you for sharing all
of your knowledge and for helping building our team.
Congratulations on Your Promotion Antion!!!
Scarlet Management Group would like to congratulate Antion on his
most recent promotion to Executive Team Trainer after two weeks of working with
us he was promoted to ETT. With hard work and dedication he made it happen.
I would like everyone to meet Antion;
Antion recently moved to Columbus from Cleveland that is where he was born, he
decided to move here to search for a better opportunity for him and his family.
He loves to play football he used to play for The University of Mount Union,
his passion is to work out and be outdoors.
His future plan is to keep growing with
SMG and open up his own office. He wants to help others and provide them with
the same opportunity that he has. Hi favorite quote is:
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Announcing our Certified Trainer!!!
Congratulations to our Operations Manager!!!
We would like to thank Direct Energy for coming to our office and
training Jordan she is a certified trainer now and she knows everything about
the system and is ready to help all of our offices to train all of our
Jordan has done so much for our company; she was the one that
helped to build this amazing empire and great opportunity. Everyone that is
part of OSP is so thankful towards Jordan because every day she works so hard
and makes sure everything runs smoothly in every single office that we have.
Jordan has done a little bit of everything she has done
recruiting, manage the recruiting department; she has been our CEOs partner in
crime since day one. Great job Jordan, thank you for your hard work and for
everything that you do.
ETL of the week!!!!
Scarlet Management Group would like to announce out ETL of the week!
Thank you for sharing all of you knowledge with everyone and you know you don't know it all and you are willing to learn and take instructions.
Keep working hard and you will be promoted to Assistant Director in no time!!!
Vegas Competition!!!
Scarlet Management Group is so excited to announce the winners!!!
Tomorrow is the last day for the competition only the top performers get to go to Vegas in September.
We have all been working so hard to get a spot, we started our competition in March we can't believe it's almost time to reveal the winners and start getting ready for the trip.
Stay tuned for the big announcement
Tomorrow is the last day for the competition only the top performers get to go to Vegas in September.
We have all been working so hard to get a spot, we started our competition in March we can't believe it's almost time to reveal the winners and start getting ready for the trip.
Stay tuned for the big announcement
Friday, July 17, 2015
Scarlet Management Group has a goal and please help if you can!
Our goal is to raise 25,000 pairs of shoes by the end of the yea, we are not alone all of the other offices in Michigan, Atlanta, Kentucky, and Florida are helping and now we are asking for your help and come all together for a good cause.
Executive Team Leader Promotion
Scarlet Management Group would like to congratulate Eliza on her most recent promotion. We are so excited for you and to see you grow, keep working hard and you will be opening up your own office really soon. We have seen you grow so much personally and professionally, you have been a great coach with your team.
Eliza has been part of our family since December 2013, she has been a great trainer and she is always there for people that need help not only her team but everyone else. She is happy to spread her knowledge; she is a great office trainer. She is here on time to make sure that when we have a new start she is ready to start her training.
We are excited to teach you new things like human resource, finance, and how to be in charge of the office when our CEO Rob is not here.
What Employers Look for!!!
The 10 Skills Employers Most Want In
20-Something Employees
The number one questioned asked by Employers to the
20-something year told crowd is such: “Are you able to work effectively in a
team?” What answer are these employers looking for? They want someone that is
able to solve problems or conflict, those who go above and beyond the 4.0 grade
point average.
The National Association of
Colleges and Employers (NACE) a Bethlehem, Pa. non-profit group that links
college career placement offices with employers, ran a survey from early August
to mid-September where it asked hiring managers what skills they prioritize
when they hire college grads. Though the survey sample is small it collected
responses from just 200 employers—the outcome in interesting. Despite all the emphasis in the news about the need for computer software and programming skills, the most important qualities employers seek are basic teamwork, problem-solving and the ability to plan and prioritize.
Here are the 10 skills employers say they seek, in order of importance:
1. Ability to work in a team
2. Ability to make decisions and solve problems
3. Ability to plan, organize and prioritize work
4. Ability to communicate verbally with people inside and outside an organization
5. Ability to obtain and process information
6. Ability to analyze quantitative data
7. Technical knowledge related to the job
8. Proficiency with computer software programs
9. Ability to create and/or edit written reports
10. Ability to sell and influence others
Good news for grads? I’d say a big yes to that! No matter
what you studied in school, or what you majored in, the most important facts
are the top five skills. If you have those, you will be far more profitable in
the job market. Employers want universal skills. Maybe there’s something to say
about street-smarts.
Always be Productive!
1. Productive
people can differentiate “fake” productivity from “real” productivity
Sometimes, we put off doing
real work in favor of other non-essential tasks. These tasks might somehow
resemble “real” work, and thus give us a false sense of productivity. For
example, in lieu of doing important tasks, people might attend useless
meetings, sort out emails, and chat with coworkers.
Productive people know
that these things do not really constitute work and know how to avoid them.
2. Productive people
know when to let go of the non-essentials
Should sorting out emails take
up an hour of your valuable work time? Do you really need to edit this document five times before you
send it to your client?
Sometimes, we do non-
3. Productive
people do not multitask
…or avoid it, especially if they don’t need to. Multitasking is
the bane of our generation.
The brain is just not wired to juggle multiple things all at the
same. Tasks are meant to be completed one at a time for maximum
efficiency.essential tasks by dint of habit. We need to learn how to let them
go. It’s either we get rid of them or allocate them to others.
4. Productive
people power through boredom
Persistence pays off in the long run. This is what separates productive people
from the unproductive ones.Suffering from writer’s block? Well, it doesn’t
exist. You need to write something down on paper NOW even if you’re bored and
don’t feel like it.
Persistence, not
procrastination, is the reason why things get done.
5. Productive people have regular sleeping habits
Lack of sleep does not equate to productivity. Your eyebags is not a
sign that you’re a hardworking person, it just means that you have poor
sleeping habits. Regular sleep (six to eight hours per day, on a constant
schedule) has long been scientifically proven to increase productivity.
6. Productive
people know how to allocate breaks
Breaks are essential for a productive lifestyle. Our bodies and
brains are just not meant to work non-stop, so breaks are there to keep us
Some people need longish breaks after long work blocks, while
some can make do with short breaks interspersed throughout the day.
Always set up goals and standards for yourself!
Scarlet Management Group, we believe that goal setting not only allows you to
take control of your life's direction; it also provides you a benchmark for
determining whether you are actually succeeding.
It is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. In between there are some very well defined steps that transcend the specifics of each goal.
Here are some steps on how to get what you want:
1. Figure out the goals you want to achieve
When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you. This means making sure that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. If you have little interest in the outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are slim. Motivation is key to achieving goals.
2. Set SMART Goals
For goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. The acronym SMART stands for:
It is a process that starts with careful consideration of what you want to achieve, and ends with a lot of hard work to actually do it. In between there are some very well defined steps that transcend the specifics of each goal.
Here are some steps on how to get what you want:
1. Figure out the goals you want to achieve
When you set goals for yourself, it is important that they motivate you. This means making sure that they are important to you, and that there is value in achieving them. If you have little interest in the outcome, or they are irrelevant given the larger picture, then the chances of you putting in the work to make them happen are slim. Motivation is key to achieving goals.
2. Set SMART Goals
For goals to be powerful, they should be designed to be SMART. The acronym SMART stands for:
- Specific - Your goal
must be clear and well defined. Vague or generalized goals are unhelpful
because they don't provide sufficient direction. Make it as easy as you
can to get where you want to go by defining precisely where you want to
end up.
- Measurable - Include
precise amounts, dates, and so on in your goals so you can measure your
degree of success. Without a way to measure your success you miss out on
the celebration that comes with knowing you have actually achieved
- Attainable - Although it is
important to challenge yourself, make sure that it's possible to achieve
the goals you set. If you set a goal that you have no hope of achieving,
you will only demoralize yourself and ruin your confidence.
- Revisable - Goals
must be looked at on a regular basis. Sometimes life changes our time and
resources; thus, our progress on our goals needs to be re-evaluated. If
the goal is no longer reasonable, ask why. Were you unrealistic or have
circumstances changed? Have you completed your task already or did you not
challenge yourself enough? Goals are not set in stone; they are designed
to maximize your success. If needed, revise, rewrite and recast your goals
- Timely - Goals must
have a deadline. Again, this means that you know when you can celebrate
success. When you are working on a deadline, your sense of urgency
increases and achievement will come that much quicker.
3. Develop Action Steps
This step is often missed in the process of goal setting. You get so focused on the outcome that you forget to plan all of the steps that are needed along the way. By writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you'll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is especially important if your goal is big and demanding, or long-term.
4. Review
Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity not just a means to an end. Build in reminders to keep yourself on track, and make regular time-slots available to review your goals. Your end destination may remain quite similar over the long term, but the action plan you set for yourself along the way can change significantly.
Set yourself up for success!
This step is often missed in the process of goal setting. You get so focused on the outcome that you forget to plan all of the steps that are needed along the way. By writing out the individual steps, and then crossing each one off as you complete it, you'll realize that you are making progress towards your ultimate goal. This is especially important if your goal is big and demanding, or long-term.
4. Review
Remember, goal setting is an ongoing activity not just a means to an end. Build in reminders to keep yourself on track, and make regular time-slots available to review your goals. Your end destination may remain quite similar over the long term, but the action plan you set for yourself along the way can change significantly.
Set yourself up for success!
Leadership is Contagious
Leadership is contagious. What is
modeled by leaders is mimicked by others. As you build strong leadership
habits, rather than thinking what could you do first, consider the effects of
what you do last.
Leaders Battle Last
“The greatest victory is that which
requires no battle”
Leaders navigate through conflicts
and trials as though no problems took place. They have to develop a big picture
attitude. They see problems on the horizon and handle them well before they hit
the shore and do any damage. They prefer solution over problem.
Leaders don’t focus on where things
are currently at, but where things will be heading. You may need to change the
course you are going.
Leaders Speak Last
They allow others to give their
opinion. They listen, understand, and acknowledge all t hat is said. Leaders
don’t just take everything on board, the assess and weigh all opinions. Then,
they speak last after they tie everything together. Leaders know they can learn
from anyone, but they excel in making the right decisions with the best
opinions. They are not a dictator nor holding a democracy, good leaders have a
perfect balance.
Leaders Celebrate Last
The old sayings will never die;
nothing is over till the fat lady sings. Leaders don’t take the pedal off the
metal until they've truly crossed the finish line. Leaders see things through a
panoramic lens.
A sprint is pointless if you’re
trying to run a marathon.
Leaders Hire Last
Leaders truly know that anyone can
look like a rock star on paper. It is easy to dazzle in a dress, however it is
far more difficult to get out on the dance floor. “Don’t tell me, show me,” is
what a real leader would say. Quality will beat qualifications every single
Leaders Sweat Last
“Work smarter, not harder”
This however doesn't mean hard work
gets thrown out the window, Leaders work both hard and smart. They always push
for more, more productivity, more efficiency. This by no means is them shying
away from hard work, it is smart work. Leaders also know how to maximize their
strengths and outsource their weaknesses.
Leaders get off the Ship Last
It is an unspoken, but sometimes
broken rule; the captain is the last to leave a ship. The most tragic ship
wrecks are those of which the captain is the first to abandon his crew. A
leader does not step into a role without accepting the responsibilities, they
know every decision they make affects many lives, if they steer one way, the
entirety of the ship is also going that way.
“With great power comes great
Friday, July 3, 2015
Work Hard Play Hard!!!
Thursday, July 2, 2015
Opportunity Meeting!!
Rob our Director was running the
morning meeting this morning; he makes sure that everyone knows the opportunity
that people have when they work with SMG. Rob makes sure that he coaches people
every day and spend time to help them and make sure that our business partners
get further in their professional and personal life.
Rob has a
goal and that is to help his business partners to get where he is, but he knows
that a great coach needs to train people to be better than he is. Everyone in
this meeting looks up to him and listens to him because if they are here is
because they want to be more than just a sales person or someone that will work
for someone else for the rest of their life.
Soles4Souls Donations.
We want to thank Chris for being so modest and helping us with donations, he was one of the first ones to ask about Soles4Souls and the next day he had a couple donations.
Chris is encouraging everyone that he knows to help with donations, every week he walks in the office with a pair of shoes to donate.
Scarlet Management Group want to thank everyone that has helped us and keeps on helping us with donations for those who are in need.
Monday, June 29, 2015
Our Director and Administrator Donating Shoes
I would like to introduce John one of our Directors and Marissa
our Administrator, thank you both for your donations. Everyone here at Scarlet
Management Group is doing their best and helping our Soles4Souls.
We have collected over 20 pairs of shoes and we are all very
excited to see how many more we can collect. If you guys would like to help
that would be great, we are accepting donations at our office we are here
Monday-Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm.
2 Easton Oval
Suite 430
Columbus, OH 4321
Thank you for all of you that have helped!!!
Executive Team Leader Promotion!!!!
everyone, I would like to introduce Emilio. Emilio has been part of Scarlet
Management Group for about 5 months and he has been promoted to Executive Team
We are all
so happy to see a young man succeed like he is, he has been working really hard
for this promotion and he is making sure that people are part of his team are
getting the proper training and getting promoted.
We are all
very excited to see where this young man will end up in the near future, we are
so excited for him and he is so close to open up his own office. With hard work
and dedication he will be getting very far in life, we will be keeping all of
you updated on his coming promotions!!!
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
Scarlet Management Group would like to keep you updated on our Top Performers Retreat. The Top Performers will be spending a long weekend in Las Vegas in mid September.
Everyone is working super hard for a spot!!! This will definitely be a trip that you do not want to miss out on!!
We will be announcing the Top Performers at the begging of August, we will keep you updated with all the details and names of the winners.
Monday, June 22, 2015
Chris Donating for Sole 4 Souls.
Hi everyone I would like to introduce Chris. Chris we want to thank you for your donation, Chris is so happy to be able to help people who are in need.
Since he found out we were working with Soles 4 Souls he was one of the first ones to bring donations. He has been asking friends and family if they have donations and they are all helping those in need.
Please if you have any donations or know someone that might have a lot of shoes and they do not need them feel free to drop them off.
2 Easton Oval
Suite 430
Columbus, OH 43219
Monday, June 15, 2015
Our Director Donating Shoes!!!
Management began a corporate partnership with Soles4Souls in May of 2015.
Together, they are collecting 25,000 pairs of worn or new shoes- any style, any
distributes shoes and clothing in two ways. Most new items collected primarily
from corporations and retailers are given directly to people in need, both in
the U.S. and overseas. The organization has a relationship with several of the
world’s leading brands, which provides Soles4Souls with new but non-marketable
overstock, returns, discontinued models, and other shoes or clothing items.
the same time, Soles4Souls receives millions of articles of used shoes and
clothing that have been collected by individuals, schools, faith-based
institutions, civic organizations and corporate partners.
help: Drop off your old shoes at SMG’s office located at:
2 Easton
OH 43219
Ask for Soles4Souls donation box at the front
desk!Thursday, June 11, 2015
Executive Team Trainer Promotion
Congratulations Christopher on your
promotion to ETT, Chris has been part of SMG for a month now and he was
promoted after three weeks, he has been doing a great job training new
Chris was born in Biloxi Mississippi, he
moved to Ohio for school; he likes outside activities, such as playing sports,
walking his dog, and riding motorcycles.
His future plan is to keep growing at SMG
and help people and give them the same opportunity that he has. Christopher’s
favorite quote is:
"Those who forget the past are condemned
to repeat it."
Monday, June 8, 2015
ETT Promotion!!!
Hi everyone I would like everyone to meet Kaila, Kaila has been part of Scarlet Management Group for three weeks and after being part of our family she got promoted to an Executive Team Trainer.
Kaila just graduated high school and she was looking for an early career path while she is college. She will be attending Ohio State in coming fall, she enjoys running and cheer leading.
Her future plan is to finish college and open up her own office. She would love to give the same opportunity to young individuals, her favorite quote is:
"Everything you are going through, is preparing you for what you asked for."
Scarlet Management Group Announces another Promotion!!!
Scarlet Management Group is excited to announce another promotion. Scarlet Management Group would like to congratulate Benjamin, Ben has been past of our Family since May of 2015, he is from Toledo, OH and he decided to move to Columbus with one of his best friends because he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity he has at SMG.
Ben was
attending The University of Toledo, other than school and work he like outdoor
activities. Like a bike ride, or just play any sports with his friends, he also
likes video games (like any other guy).
Ben is so
thankful for the opportunity he has at SMG and he knows that one that he will
be helping and providing the same opportunity for others. Ben’s favorite quote
Thursday, May 28, 2015
Announcing Tyler Dunbar: Executive Team Trainer Promotion!!!
Management Group has been on a roll!! This week, we have another promotion.
Tyler started with SMG 3 weeks ago as an Account Executive and was just
promoted to Executive Team Trainer.

is from Oregon, Ohio he is attending Columbus State. He is a freshman and is
studying Business and Marketing. Tyler thinks that the opportunity that he has
with SMG is more like a career path and not just a job because he is growing professionally
and personally.
has been a hard, dedicated worker since day one. He is always professional and
keeps a positive mindset. Scarlet Management Group is really excited to see his
progression in the next couple of months.

Scarlet Management Group is Very Excited to Announce another Promotion!!!
Scarlet Management Group would like
to congratulate Jalyshia, she has been working with SMG since May 12, 2015 and
she has been promoted to Executive Team Trainer.
Jalyshia, is
attending Columbus State College she will be graduating in 2016, other than
school and work she also enjoys working out and outside activities. She likes
going to the mall, movies, and shopping.
Her future
plans is to keep growing with SMG and eventually open her office, she would
like to open her office in California because she likes warm weather and the
beach. Her favorite quote is;
"You can't have
a better tomorrow if you ate still thinking about yesterday."
Friday, May 15, 2015
Scarlet Management Group wants to Congradulate Travis Wilson!!!
To begin with, Scarlet Management Group would like to congratulate
Travis Wilson on his grand opening today May 15, 2015. Travis was part of
Scarlet Management Group since we been open in 2013, he started with our company in Michigan. With hard work and dedication, Rob Hill decided to give
him the opportunity to be his right hand in his new location in Columbus. Rob
knew that he was not making a mistake by picking Travis.
Travis dedicated himself to SMG for two years and was recently promoted out into his own office in Atlanta; he can see how much his hard work continnues to pay off. Travis is
really excited to share his story to new employees and set an example to people
that has been with the company. Rob can now see that choosing Travis was the right decision.
Please help us to congratulate Travis
and wish him the best of luck.
Hello, I would like to
introduce Khalil Davis. Khalil has been part of Scarlet Management Group for
one month now and he just earned his promotion through hard work and dedication.
I want everyone to get to know
Khalil, he is a freshman in Ohio State, he just started school and he enjoys
going to school, he enjoys football, outdoor activities, and video games.
His future plan is to graduate
from college in 2019, he wants to keep growing at SMG and help others. Khalil
would like to open an office and be able to train and give an opportunity to
others. Even though he is from Columbus, Ohio he would actually like to move to
another state to branch out.
Thursday, May 14, 2015
Newest Promotion at Scarlet Management Group.
Hello everyone meet Darryle Johnson,
he has been with Scarlet Management Group since March 2015. Darryle has been
working really hard and close to some of our Top Performers, they all learn
from each other and Darryle has been promoted to a Executive Team Trainer.
Darryl went to The Oberlin College
and graduated in 2007; since then his goal was to find a career path not just a
job, he feels like he can grow personally and professionally at SMG. Darryle is
not all about work he likes to have fun as well. For example some of the
activities that he enjoys doing are capoeira, working out, and having fun with
his 2 year old.
His main focus is to be able to
provide for his young boy, he wants him to have a better future and be able to provide
for him that is why he is working really hard to get promoted and be able to be
a Director one day. Also, help others to get the same opportunity that he has.
Darryles favorite quote is:
deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are
powerful beyond measure” Nelson Mandela.
Friday, May 8, 2015
Scarlet Management Group Promotes Another ETT.
Joe'l Grissom Has been with Scarlet Management since early
April; after working with Scarlet Management for only three weeks Joe'l got
promoted to an Executive Team Trainer, Joe'l has been working really hard and
coaching new employees.
Joe'l is from Detroit, Michigan, but he moved to Columbus,
OH because of college, he played football in college; he also likes basketball
and video games. Joe'l feels that the opportunity that he has with SMG is
perfect to grow personally and professionally because he studied Business Communication.
Joe'l plans to open his own office back home in Detroit,
Michigan because he misses his family and he wants to help the community that
he grew up in and give them the same opportunity that he has. He will also like
to branch out around Michigan and help the state he was born in. Joel's
favorite quote is:
"If it does not make you money, it does not make
Scarlet Management Group Promotes Another ETT
Meet Dion Keaton: Dion started working
with Scarlet Management Group since late March. Dion was promoted from Entry
Level Account Executive to Executive Team Trainer after three weeks of being
with Scarlet Management Group.
Dion works part-time at this moment because he attends The Ohio State University, he is expecting to graduate in 2016, but even if he works par-time he is a hard worker and is growing as an individual.
Dion enjoys football, working out, outdoor activities and he enjoys playing XBOX. Dion has a great student mentality and he likes to learn new things every day.
Dion’s future plan with Scarlet Management Group is to open an office in Arlington, Texas because he enjoys warm weather and his passion is football and his favorite team is the Cowboys. Also, he wants to expand and branch out more offices in nearby states. He wants to help SMG to grow and help others to get the same opportunity that he has. His favorite quote is:
"Failure is caused more by lack of determination, than lack of talent."
Monday, May 4, 2015
Scarlert Management Group is Very Excited to Reveal our next Top Preformers Retreat
Scarlet Management is very excited to announce that our next Top Performers Retreat will be taking place in Las Vegas Nevada.
The Top Performers will be able to enjoy, have fun and relax for a weekend in Vegas this coming September.
Everyone in the company is working super hard as always to be one of the Top Performers. None of us want to miss that opportunity!!
We will be announcing the winners the beginning of August, we will be giving more details of the winners in the future.
Monday, April 27, 2015
Scarlet Management Participates in Habitat of Humanity.
On Saturday, April 28, 2015 Scarlet Management Group Partnered with Habitat for Humanity if Columbus to volunteer their time helping those in need. Memebers of the Scarlet Team got together to help put up a frame to a house and clean the areas around the grounds.
Habitat for Huanity is a nonprofit, Chirsitan Ministry founded on the conviction that every man, woman and child should have a decent, safe and affordable place to live Local Habitat for Humanity affiliates. They have more than 1,400 local affiliates in the United States and more than 70 national organizations around the world. Together, they have helped to build or repair more than 1 million homes and serve more than 5 million people worldwide since our founding in 1976.
"It is an awesome experience and great cause to help out, we are really lucky to be able to partner with Habitat for Humanity." said CEO Rob Hill.
stay tuned for out next Charity Event!
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
Scarlet Management Group Promotes another ETT
Lillian Cross has been with Scarlet Management for two months now and she has been promoted to an Executive Team Trainer.
Lillian graduated from Kaplan University, her passion is Psychology, she likes dancing, and aqua zumba. She loves to travel and her favorite travel experience was when she went on a cruise to Jamaica.
She accepted her position at Scarlet Management Group because of the opportunity. She liked the idea of becoming her own boss and to really get a chance to see she’s made of when striving for success and greatness.
Her future plans are to open her office as a Director in Los Angeles and to start her own campaign. Also, she wants to expand and branch out more offices in nearby states. She wants to help SMG to grow and help others to get the same opportunity that she has.Her favorite quote is:
"Positive thoughts, positive results, negative thoughts, negative results"
Lillian graduated from Kaplan University, her passion is Psychology, she likes dancing, and aqua zumba. She loves to travel and her favorite travel experience was when she went on a cruise to Jamaica.
She accepted her position at Scarlet Management Group because of the opportunity. She liked the idea of becoming her own boss and to really get a chance to see she’s made of when striving for success and greatness.
Her future plans are to open her office as a Director in Los Angeles and to start her own campaign. Also, she wants to expand and branch out more offices in nearby states. She wants to help SMG to grow and help others to get the same opportunity that she has.Her favorite quote is:
"Positive thoughts, positive results, negative thoughts, negative results"
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
Scarlet Management Group Attends A Leadership Conference!
First Annual Leader Development Conference
The 21st and 22nd of February this year marked the first OSP conference of many to come for our representatives. Along with having all of the top representatives and recruiters from the company present, the main speaker who hosted the conference was our very own Vice President of Sales, Carlos Linares.
While informing us all of future plans for the company, Carlos taught us what it truly means to be a leader as well as an entrepreneur. With the expansion One Source Provider is experiencing, spending a weekend discussing how to help grow the people around us as well as ourselves was quite significant. In fact one of the greatest things taken away from the weekend was the simple fact that being a true leader and business owner means learning to look past yourself.
Here we realize that expanding a business is more than just adding on to it, it is about working smart by developing hard working employees that you have replicated yourself in. There are many businesses out there that have no problem communicating to people, but we strive to go past that and make connections with not only our clients and employees, but our customers as well. The real secret to finding success is the realization that it is a journey, not a destination.
With everything we all learned and took away from this weekend, it is evident that these conferences will become more frequent and only better with time. Being able to learn from such a dedicated member of our team as well from each other has only strengthened the relationship between all of our offices. Learning and growing with each other while also being able to have fun and enjoy amenities provided by OSP had us all leaving with a lot to take back to our offices, including some wonderful new memories.
Till next time just remember that what a successful person does daily, is what an unsuccessful person only does occasionally.
The 21st and 22nd of February this year marked the first OSP conference of many to come for our representatives. Along with having all of the top representatives and recruiters from the company present, the main speaker who hosted the conference was our very own Vice President of Sales, Carlos Linares.
While informing us all of future plans for the company, Carlos taught us what it truly means to be a leader as well as an entrepreneur. With the expansion One Source Provider is experiencing, spending a weekend discussing how to help grow the people around us as well as ourselves was quite significant. In fact one of the greatest things taken away from the weekend was the simple fact that being a true leader and business owner means learning to look past yourself.
Here we realize that expanding a business is more than just adding on to it, it is about working smart by developing hard working employees that you have replicated yourself in. There are many businesses out there that have no problem communicating to people, but we strive to go past that and make connections with not only our clients and employees, but our customers as well. The real secret to finding success is the realization that it is a journey, not a destination.
With everything we all learned and took away from this weekend, it is evident that these conferences will become more frequent and only better with time. Being able to learn from such a dedicated member of our team as well from each other has only strengthened the relationship between all of our offices. Learning and growing with each other while also being able to have fun and enjoy amenities provided by OSP had us all leaving with a lot to take back to our offices, including some wonderful new memories.
Till next time just remember that what a successful person does daily, is what an unsuccessful person only does occasionally.
Scarlet Management Group Shares The Truth About Success
The Truth About Success
Humans are fickle creatures. There are many "fair-weather friends" of celebrities, businesses, trends, politics, and individuals. While something looks glamorous we are all for it! Winning the lottery? Promises of grandeur? Any random trend is good for a while, but when the hype wears off, that's the end of the fan base.
We hear what we want to hear. Commercials on the TV will say "Call now and get a $500 value for $19.99!!!" Sounds great! Then we look at the fine print or call and buy it and here's what we missed: 19.99 per month for 3 months. Plus S+H. Small fee when paid for with a credit card. Any late payments will result in the end of the promotional price.
Now it's not near as cool; and for good reason!
So now what happens when there's actually a good thing? People go to college and expect a 60k job right after graduation that they can just swoop into and live their dreams because they want to college! College is a great accomplishment to be sure, though the hard work continues after graduation. From one job to another, barely making ends meet, that was hardly the dream we thought it would be when someone signed us up to be adults!
The road to success is rarely, if ever, the straight arrow we think it will be. It's full of color and life! Ups and downs, wrong turns, huge learning curves, failures, small victories, and so much more!! Lets not make ourselves blind to the fact that no matter what goals we have, there will be a lot to learn on the way to success. We can make it there with patience and endurance of the junk that can make the hardship seem unbearable and not worth the prize at the end of the tunnel.
Just like TV the good thing is good, but it comes with things that could make it difficult, that could ruin the deal if you mess up-and lets be honest, not everything is within our control! So do we give up?
Now that, that is up to you!
Humans are fickle creatures. There are many "fair-weather friends" of celebrities, businesses, trends, politics, and individuals. While something looks glamorous we are all for it! Winning the lottery? Promises of grandeur? Any random trend is good for a while, but when the hype wears off, that's the end of the fan base.
We hear what we want to hear. Commercials on the TV will say "Call now and get a $500 value for $19.99!!!" Sounds great! Then we look at the fine print or call and buy it and here's what we missed: 19.99 per month for 3 months. Plus S+H. Small fee when paid for with a credit card. Any late payments will result in the end of the promotional price.
Now it's not near as cool; and for good reason!
So now what happens when there's actually a good thing? People go to college and expect a 60k job right after graduation that they can just swoop into and live their dreams because they want to college! College is a great accomplishment to be sure, though the hard work continues after graduation. From one job to another, barely making ends meet, that was hardly the dream we thought it would be when someone signed us up to be adults!
The road to success is rarely, if ever, the straight arrow we think it will be. It's full of color and life! Ups and downs, wrong turns, huge learning curves, failures, small victories, and so much more!! Lets not make ourselves blind to the fact that no matter what goals we have, there will be a lot to learn on the way to success. We can make it there with patience and endurance of the junk that can make the hardship seem unbearable and not worth the prize at the end of the tunnel.
Just like TV the good thing is good, but it comes with things that could make it difficult, that could ruin the deal if you mess up-and lets be honest, not everything is within our control! So do we give up?
Now that, that is up to you!
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