Monday, August 26, 2013

Scarlet Management Begins Office Night Tradition

Every great workplace comes with great traditions, and we are excited to announce that we have one in the works! We are introducing Office Night, one night a week when everyone from the office can just hang out and have a good time. The plan is for us to do something different every Thursday; the the team went to "Insanity Bowling" at Gahanna Lanes for $6 unlimited bowling and $1 slices of pizza. This past Thursday we visited KDB (which stands for Kitchen Den, and Bar) at the Easton Town Center for some great food and video games.

All in all, the goal is just to have a good time. It gives everyone something to look forward to and it helps to build the sense of being a team rather than just co-workers. After all, studies have shown that most people find that having a good relationship with both supervisors and co-workers helped create a comfortable work environment. The office that plays together succeeds together! 

Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter to see where we will be going each week, or to give a suggestion! We are always looking for new and exciting things to do.

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