Our Top Performer Retreat that took place in South Beach, Miami over the past weekend was a fantastic experience all around. It was a chance for our top reps as well as administrators and Directors to put their toes in the sand and enjoy the great food and atmosphere that Miami has to offer and relax on an all-expenses paid vacation. However this retreat also acted as a refresher for our top performers, giving them the chance to fine-tune their leadership skills. They had the chance to listen to keynote speaker Carlos Linares at the Awards Ceremony dinner on Friday night where he spoke about transformational leadership and personal development.
Carlos Linares is the CEO of M.I.T. consulting group and a founding member of The President’s Advisory council in the John Maxwell Company. He received his MBA in business management at the University of Miami and started his Direct Sales career in 1998. By 2000 he was already opening his very own corporation and throughout the following years he gained a reputation for developing leaders. He has also been extremely successful while running his own company, never earning less than $250k a year and peaking at 4.6 million a year. Linares has also been personally mentored by John C. Maxwell, who is a world renowned leadership expert and coach. As a direct result of his partnership with Maxwell, Linares became a founding member of the President’s Advisory council in the John Maxwell Company and is now a certified coach teacher and speaker.
At our awards ceremony in Miami Linares’ speech focused on transformational leadership, and he discussed the steps to becoming the best leader you can be. Some of the best advice that he relayed to us was that to become a leader you first need to lead yourself, and that any leader needs to constantly be specializing their knowledge so that they can better pass their knowledge on to others. It was an incredibly informational and inspirational speech and we are so thankful that we had the chance to meet Carlos Linares and soak up some of his knowledge while we were in Miami!